Friday, July 31, 2009


Uwielbiam wymiany. Zawsze sie bardzo ciesze jak cos dostane ladnego od innej zakreconej craftowo osoby. To jest tak, jakby miec urodziny albo gwiazdke kilka razy w roku. Tym razem bralam udzial w wymianie saszetek zapachowych u Alexls. Dostalam woreczek zapachowy i wieszaczek - oba ozdobione metoda decoupage - od Zuzi (tu mozesz zajrzec na jej bloga gatto-pazzo). W ogole sie nie spodziewalam takiego super dodatku do woreczka, ktory od razu zadomowil sie w szafie z recznikami ( jakims cudem mam tam wieszaczki, ktore nigdy nie wiedzialam do czego sluza, a teraz sie przydaly), a nad wieszaczkiem sie musze jeszcze zastanowic, gdzie go powiesic.
Dziekuje bardzo Zuziu za super woreczek i wieszaczek. Motyw bardzo mi sie podoba!!!
Lately I was taking a part in a fragrance sachet swap, which was organized by Alexls and today I received my sachet and a hanger - both decoupaged with a marine theme - from Zuzia. I like them a lot. Thank you Zuzia.
So far I had a really good weekend which started yesterday (I didn't go to work today), because last night I went to Billy Joel and Elton John concert in Philadelphia and tomorrow I am going to heaven... but I will be back... unfortunately!

Monday, July 27, 2009


Here is my latest scrap which I made for a monthly challenge on Polish Scrappassion forum. I must admit I am a lazy scrapbooker, but challenges make me scrap layouts. Of course like all of us I have everything I need but I have problems with journaling and titles and they slightly stop me from creating 12/12 layouts. I like mini albums though and cards because it is so much easier and quicker to make them.
paper: Creative Imaginations and Sandylion,
journaling card: Creative Imaginations,
flowers: Prima,
punch: Martha Stewart.

Here is a map if you would like to try. It is from Temporelles blog.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Little Monkey is having birthday next Sunday, so I am in a process of making some thank you cards. His favourite stuffed animal is a monkey named GAA. He drags his monkey everywhere. That is why there are monkey on these cards.
Have a great Sunday!
stamps: Close to my heart, Inkadinkado

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Kirsten is having Birthday this week and she is organizing candy.
You can win Sugar Nellie Gorjuss Girl stamps set 3.
I am excited!!! Good luck everybody!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009


Super rozdawnictwo u Tsumiko.
Mam ochote zwlaszcza na te materialy i wykroje.


Jesli lubisz filcowanie lub chcesz sprobowac zajrzyj do nowego sklepu KRAINA FILCU. Sklep miesci sie w Warszawie oraz Internecie, wiec kazdej z was bedzie po drodze. Sklep takze proponuje warsztaty. W zwiazku z niedawnym otworzeniem sie sklepu mozna wygrac to co jest na obrazku!!! Po szczegoly zajzyj na ich bloga.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Tomorrow my husband is flying to SF for his friend wedding so I was forced to make a card really quick. Especially that I haven't had time lately to craft between work and us trying to spend some time at the shore. And also tomorrow I am going to visit my girlfriend in Connecticut.
Thank you for stopping by and have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


I am going to the shore tomorrow morning.
I hope you will also have a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Pauline is organizing candy on her blog.
It is quite delicious!
Go check it out!